
Yakushi legends 05 Ibaraki Ishikawa

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. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and
legends from Ibaraki 茨城県 and Ishikawa 石川県


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Ibaraki 茨城県

菖蒲沢薬師如来坐像 Shobusawa Yakushi Nyorai
At 菖蒲沢薬師堂 the Yakushi hall
Also known as one of the Four Yakushi of Tsukuba, 筑波四面薬師.
- reference source : city.ishioka.lg.jp/page... -


Yakushi statue at the temple 妙香寺 Myoko-Ji
- reference source : edu.pref.ibaraki.jp/board/bunkazai... -


延命寺の薬師如来 Enmei-Ji Yakushi Temple
茨城県坂東市岩井4365番地 Bando town
- reference source : city.bando.lg.jp/sp/page...-

東村 Higashi

Yakushida 薬師田 / ヤクシダ "Fields of Yakushi"
Near the bus stop 釜井駅 Kanai along the national road Nr. 294 there is a 薬師堂 Yakushi-Do hall. About 3000 square meters of former field land was used, but soon people begun to get ill in the neighbourhood.
Later the land was sold and a mansion was built there

- - - - - Yakushiden / Yakushida 薬師田 as a place name in
秋田県秋田市飯島薬師田 Akita
福島県福島市在庭坂薬師田 Fukushima
小川の薬師田 Ogawa no Yakushida

水戸市 Mito

keikeigami ケイケイ神,seki no kami 咳の神 Kami of coughing
Near the Yakushi of 台町 Daimachi there is a sanctuary for the God of Coughing. It used to be a shrine for Lord Kuruma Tsunatada, 車斯忠丹波守 (? - 1602) . He had lost a battle and tried to hide in the forest, but could not suppress his coughing, was found out and killed.
After his death, he became the local 百日咳の神 "God of the whooping cough".

筑波郡 Tsukuba 谷田部町 Yatabe

katame no sakana 片目の魚 fish with one eye
The 弁天池 Benten Pond in the village of 島名 Shimana was also called Yakushi no Ike 薬師の池 and Yakushi was venerated there.
If a person with eye disease would release a living fish in the pond, he got cured, but the fish in the pond lost one eye.

牛久市 Ushiku

byooninda 病人田 / ビョウニンダ - byooninbatake 病人畑 "sick field"
There was a "sick field" dedicated to Yakushi at the temple 薬師寺 Yakushi-Ji. It was cursed and nobody wanted to use it for farming.
Once some young farmers decided to use it together, but soon some of their members died from mysterious accidents, so they stopped the project.

稲敷の病人田(忌地)伝説 Legend of the Byoninda of Inashiki
- reference : nichibun yokai database -


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Ishikawa 石川県

龍護寺 Ryugo-Ji
The statue is 120 cm high.
- reference source : pref.ishikawa.lg.jp/kyoiku/bunkazai... -

羽咋郡 Hakui district 富来町 Togi

ryuutoo 龍燈 "dragon lantern"
The statue of Yakushi in the 高爪山の観音堂 Kannon Hall of Takatsumeyama was carved from some wood found on the beach.
Every year during the festival on the 18th day of the 8th lunar month, there is a strange "dragon lantern" light seen from the large tree in the compound.

. ryuutoo, ryūtō 龍燈 Ryuto, "dragon lantern" .
a light phenomenon at the Ariakekai sea in Kagoshima, Kyushu, and other areas, in the evening hours.

輪島市 Wajima

funetogame no Yakushi 船咎め薬師 Yakushi blamed for ship traffic
The Yakushi who was responsible for safe ship traffic off the coast once caught the anger of the boatmen. So they cut off his left arm.


. Yakushi Legends from Iwate 岩手県 -Tohoku .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


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. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

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