
Tsuru Sennin Crane

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Tsuru Sennin 鶴仙人 crane hermit
kookaku sennin 控鶴仙人 "Sennin riding a crane"

Chinese :
王子喬(おおしきょう)Oshikyo, Wangze Kao
費長房(ひちょうぼう)Hichobo, Fei Chang Fang
黄鶴楼(こうかくろう)Kokakuro. Huang He Lou

費長房 Hichobo (Fei Chang Fang)

He is riding a crane, holding a sutra scroll in his hands.
He was the disciple of the Sennin 壺公(ごこう) Goko. (ここう Koko).
He tried to become a sennin but could not pass the exam of his master. Nevertheless he became an immortal.
Some sources say he was eventually killed by 鬼神 a Demon Deity.
- reference : fukushima-museum.jp... -


Sennin 壺公(ごこう) Goko. (壺公 ここう Koko) "Honorable Jar"
Late Han period.
Koko Sennin was selling medicine in the market of 汝南の市場 Jonan. He had a 壺 jar hanging from his waist, and in the evening slipped into the jar and spent the night. He had lived in 天界 the heavenly realm, but was banished because he had commited a crime.
The warden of the market place, 費長房 Hichobo, was fascinated by him.
The special realm of Koko is called
kochuuten 壺中天 / こちゅうてん Kochuten, "Heaven in a Jar"
Often a name for a restaurant.

Some illustrations snow Goko slipping into a gourd
hyootan sennin 瓢箪仙人 "Gourd Immortal"

... . in ancient China, when gourds served the purpose of carrying water on long embarkments. In addition to simply water, medicine was also stored in the gourds; this is where the image of it as a “symbol of health, vitality and immortality ” was derived.
mubyootan 六瓢箪 "six gourds", a pun with mubyoo 無病 "no illness"
and thus a specially auspicious symbol.
. hyootan 瓢箪 Hyotan gourd art motives .


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kookaku sennin 控鶴仙人 "Sennin riding a crane"

名草神社 Nagusa Jinja
Hyogo / 1755-6 Yokacho Ishihara, Yabu, Hyōgo


北野天満宮 Kitano Tenmangu


source : watanabe san facebook

飾り瓦 roof tile from 石作神社 Ishizukuri Jinja, Aichi


Tsuru Sennin 亀仙人 the modern "Crane Immortal"

- quote -
Master Shen is the Crane Hermit (鶴仙人 Tsurusen'nin), Minister Shen, master of the Crane School and Mercenary Tao's older brother. Whilst they both trained at the Mutaito Training Academy, a rivalry quickly grew between Shen and Master Roshi. Master Shen and Mercenary Tao, likewise, began to fight over the smallest things. Eventually, a simple spilled bowl of rice was enough to break the brothers apart.
- - - MORE
- reference source : dragonball.wikia.com/wiki/Master_Shen...-


- quote -
Das Netsuke zeigt uns ein auf einer rechteckigen Siegelbasis ruhendes Rind, auf dem ein bärtiger Weiser gemütlich sitzt und ein langes Blasinstrument an seine Lippen hält. Das Sitzen auf einem Rind darzustellen, wobei sich meistens eine Union in meditativer Versunkenheit vorfindet, ist sehr beliebt und man kann den einfachen Bokudo genauso antreffen, wie den legendären Laoze, den Begründer des chinesischen Daoismus. Dieser war für den aus kaiserlichem Geblüt stammenden Oshikyo (chin. Wangze Kao) ein leuchtendes Vorbild, das ihn zu einem Leben als einsamer Eremit veranlaßte. Zusammen mit der Fee Fukyuko lebte er dreißig Jahre im Heshe Gebirge. Das alte Netsuke mit sehr schöner goldbrauner Patina zeigt ihn mit einer schon etwas abgegriffenen Haube und einem faltenreichen Umhang, die Schalmei schön angelegt und in einer Linie mit dem Rindsschweif, das Tier lauscht ebenfalls dem sphärischen Wohlklang.
- source : Wolfmar Zacken -


. sennin to netsuke 仙人と根付 Netsuke of Immortals .


source : artsy.net/artwork/suzuki-harunobu...

Parodies of Hichobo and Urashima Taro
Suzuki Harunobu


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. 亀仙人 Kame Sennin - "The Turtle Immortal" .

. tsuru kame, tsurukame 鶴亀 Tortoise and Crane .
symbols of long life in China

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #tsurusennin #craneimmortal #oshikyo #hichobo #goko #koko-

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