
Enmeiji Jusanbutsu Kasahata

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Musashi no Kuni 13 Buddhas 武蔵国十三仏霊場 .

Enmeiji 延命寺 Enmei-Ji, Kasahata
萬霊山 Banreizan 法護院 Hogo-In 延命寺 Enmeiji
埼玉県川越市笠幡4451 / Saitama, Kawagoe city, Kasahata

The pilgrim statue is 普賢菩薩 Fugen Bosatsu..

The temple was founded in 1356 by 天海 Tenkai.
It burned down 1n 1360.
It was rebuilt in 1366.
In 1771, it burned down again.
In 1602 the present-day 山門 main gate was built

The temple is famous for its sakura cherry blossoms in spring.
They are included in the 100 best views of Kawagoe 川越景観百選.


shuin 朱印 stamp


- - - - - Reference of the temple
. - reference : jimdofree... - .
. source : kawagoe-yell enmeiji ... .


This temple is Nr. 04 of the pilgrimage
. Musashi no Kuni 13 Buddhas 武蔵国十三仏霊場 .


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

大寒の女日あたる延命寺 br />
大峯あきら Omine Akira

. WKD : daikan 大寒 great cold .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

....................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県 
Kamakura city鎌倉市

At the Temple 延命寺 Enmei-Ji there is a statue of a naked Jizo Bosatsu with female genitals.
In former times the wife of 北条時頼 Hojo Tokiyori had betted on the game Sugoroku
that she would get naked if she looses.
And indeed, she lost.
She went to pray to Jizo Bosatsu, who changed into a naked woman in her place.
People now made a statue of Jizo and gave it to the temple.

....................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 

. madoo 魔道 Mado - a Monster Road .
The 延光寺峠 pass to Enmei-Ji is called mado 魔道 a monster road.
It is also called a 狗嬪 Gubin Yokai monster road.
Gubin is a kind of Tengu.

....................................................................... Osaka 大阪府 
河内長野市 Kawachi Nagano city

oni 鬼 a demon
In the village 南河内郡川上村 Kawakami in the Minami-Kawachi district there is a place
called 鬼住 Oniju (Onizumi) - "Where the Demons live".
During the time of Emperor 舒明天皇 Jomei Tenno (593 - 641)
there lived a bad demon at 葛城山 Mount Katsuragi who ate the children and the harvest.
To get rid of the demon, people prayed to Bonten 氏神大梵天 Great Brahma, the guardian deity.
The deity made a very strong rain and with great weapons and huge noise to help the villgers.
At the temple 延命寺 Enmei-Ji the weapons like bows and arrows are still kept.
Onizumi mura 鬼住村(おにずみむら) - the village Onizumi.
. Oni densetsu 鬼伝説 Regional Demon Legends .

....................................................................... Yamagata 山形県 
東田川郡 Higashi Tagawa distriact 庄内町 Shonai town

hiyakusan ヤクサン Hiyaku san
At the temple 延命寺 Enmei-Ji in Karigawa 東田川郡狩川村 there is a stone statue of Hiyaku San.
If you rub his cheeks, your toothache will be healed.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

###Musashinokuni ##juusanbutsu ###Saitama ##enmeiji -

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