
Chorakuji Yakushi Jozai

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Kazusa Yakushi Pilgrimage 来霊上総国薬師如場 .

Choorakuji 長楽寺 Choraku-Ji, Jozai
清龍山 Seiryuzan 明王院 Myo-O In 長楽寺 Chorakuji
木更津市請西982 / Chiba, Kisarazu city, Jozai

The date of the founding is not clear.
Probably founded in the Kamakura period (1185 - 1333).
Relocated to its present place from 請西本郷 Jozai Hongo around 1560.
It was one of 上総四本寺 four main temples in Kazusa.
It had 36 sub-temples and was considered a medium-size temple.
In 1972 it was merged with 南総山君津寺 the Temple Kimitsudera.

Important cultural properties of Chiba:
木造薬師如来坐像 Seated statue of Yakushi Nyorai from the Heian Period,
made from one piece of hinoki ヒノキ材 cypress wood.  
金銅五鈷鈴 gold-bronze five-ringed bell.
金銅孔雀文磬 gold-bronze peacock-patters ribon.
天正の制札 public notice board from around 1580.

Important cultural properties of Kisarazu city:
五輪塔 Gorinto stone tower from the early Muromachi period (1336 - 1573).


shuin 朱印 stamp


Also on the following pilgrimage:

. Kazusa 88 Henro Pilgrimage 上総八十八ヶ所霊場 . - Nr. 28


- - - - - Reference of the temple
- source : teknopedia.teknokrat.ac.id...
- source : tesshow - kazsa_yakshi .
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This temple is Nr. 31 of the pilgrimage
. Kazusa 35 Yakushi Pilgrimage 上総国薬師如来霊場 .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

....................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 

. tsue 杖と伝説 Legends about a walking staff .
The walking staff of the High Priest 天海 Tenkai stuck in the ground
and grew to a bamboo that is kept at
the Temple Choraku-Ji in 世良田 Serada.
. Tenkai and the Temple Kanei-Ji 寛永寺 .

太田市 Ota city

. ryuujin 竜神 /龍神 と伝説 Ryujin, Legends about the Dragon Deity .
Choorakuji rei 長楽寺鈴 the bell of temple Choraku-Ji
At the temple Choraku-JI there is a treasure bell. If it starts to ring, there will be flooding.
During repair work of the hall, a construction worker rang it by accident. And suddenly the sky became dark, it rained heavily and flooding was everywhere.
The sound of the bell awakens the Dragon God.

....................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県 

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
In a hamlet called 貉内 Mujina-uchi there is 長楽寺 the temple Choraku-Ji.
There lived a filial 小僧 acolyte.
When his mother said she wanted to go see the festival at 三島 Mishima Shrine,
the acolyte said he would bring her there.
The put her on his back and went to Mishima.
After the festival they stayed another day at Mishima and then he carried her back.
At Fushido the acolyte took a nap. When his mother peeked at him,
she saw he had spread his wings of a tengu and slept.
The acolyte woke up and run away, never to come back.
They say this acolyte became the famous Tengu at 愛宕山 Atago Yama.
. 愛宕山 太郎坊 Taro-Bo Tengu from Atagoyama .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - ##choorakuji ##chorakuji ##kazusayakushi ##yakushikazusa #chiba -

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