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Kani Yakushi Gifu

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

Kani Yakushi 蟹薬師 "Crab Yakushi"
大寺山願興寺 Daiji San, Ganko-Ji
Mitake no Kani Yakushi 御嵩の蟹薬師

岐阜県南部,可児(かに)the district of Kani in Gifu
岐阜県可児郡御嵩町御嵩1377-1 / Mitake town

Situated on the Western Side of 御嶽宿 Mitake-Juku of the old 中山道 Nakasendo road.
The temple was first built in 713.
In 815, 伝教大師(最澄) Dengyo Daishi Saicho dedicated the statue of Yakushi.
It is also closely related to the emperor Ichijoo Tennoo 一条天皇 Ichijo Tanno, when the annual festival 蟹薬師祭礼 started
The temple was lost to fire many times in its history, but usually rebuilt in greater splendor.
A special hall for the Yakushi Statue, 薬師如来の厨子堂, was built in 1610.

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The crest of the temple 願興寺の紋章
kani botan 蟹牡丹 crab and peony

. kamon 家紋 family crest - Introduction .

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The foundation of Gankoji Temple
At the age of 36, Saicho visited China with Kukai (referred to as Kobo-taishi) as a member of Kentoshi (a mission represening Japan to China). On his return from China, he founded Enryakuji Temple (the headquarters of Tendai-shu, a faction of Buddhism) at Hieizan in north-eastern part of Kyoto. In order to carry out the Tendai-shu’s tenet “relieve all the people”, Saicho travelled all around Japan and finally reached Mitake via Tosando (an old passway connecting northern Japan and Kyoto). At that time the area surrounding Mitake was suffering from epidemic, so he built a fuseya, leaving a hand-made sculpture of Yakushi-Nyorai and said his prayer for the residents’ recovery.

Building of Shichido-Garan
There was a very clever girl who was a daughter of Emperor Ichijyo. She boasted about her own ability but the Emperor was uncomfortable with her attitude and drove her out of Kyoto. She started travelling along the Tosando , but during her trip she became exhausted and much thinner than before. It was already winter when she arrived in Nakamura village (currently called Naka district in Mitake-cho) in her ragged clothes. She built an hermitage with the help of neighbors in the village and began to live there. She shaved her hair and became a nun named Gyouchini, praying for Yakushi-Nyorai every day.
At that time, a line of light began to appear every night from a pond at the foot from the mountain in the south of the village. Fierce wind blew, waves in the pond and a roar of mountain went accompanied the light. Gyouchi went close to the bank of the pond in the evening and found the pond had flooded and the entire village was under water with people almost drowned. Gyouchi counted her beads and kept praying, gazing the pond. Then an enormous 30-meter-long, big snake suddenly appeared and tried to swallow her.
Despite the snake’s appearance, Gyouchi just kept praying for Yakushi Nyorai without any fear. After a while the wind and wave stopped, and a small 6-centimeters-long image of Buddha surrounded by small crabs appeared in front of her. Inspired by this development, Gyouchi said her prayer for the image and enshrined it in her hermitage. On hearing the whole story, the Emperor Ichijyo issued a permission to build a sanctum there. This led to the establishment of a magnificent Shichido-Garan style temple in 998 named “Oterasan-Gankoji”.

Gankoji, burnt down twice by wars
Gankoji was burnt down in 1108 (the first year of Tenjin Era) during a rebellion led by Yoshitsugu Minamoto. At that time the image of Yakushi-Nyorai was moved to and enshrined at a shrine in Tsushima, Aichi Prefecture. After a while, the Yakushi-Do (a hall to enshrine Yakushi-Nyorai) was rebuilt in the premises of Gankoji. 100 years later, Koketsu Gengo Yasumori (in his capacity as Jito, an administrator of the Mitake area from the central government) re-constructed the rest of Gankoji. In 1572, in the midst of the battle between Takeda and Oda, a servant of Shingen Takeda set fire to Gankoji and burnt it down. As valuable images of Buddha and scriptures were kept ivied Gankoji, a number of monks of Gukeiji temple rushed into Gankoji and carried them out of the temple. Thanks to their work, all the images and 600 sets of scriptures remained intact. The images were kept in a temporary hall in the premises of Gukeiji for a while.

Building of the present hall
Shingen Takeda, an enthusiastic believer of Tendai-shu, expressed his strong anger with his staff for setting fire to the Gankoji. It is believed that he gave residents in Mitake area his promise to rebuild the temple. However, Shingen died before undertaking the restoration. 10 years later, led by Yojiro Tamaki, residents in the area began to rebuild Gankoji by themselves. Not only did they collect a fund from neighboring temples and shrines, but also brought wooden boards and pillars voluntarily. The restoration was completed in 1582 (the 9th year of Tensho Era).
One feature of the present hall is its wide corridors. This shows the residents’ thoughtful consideration in order for travelers to avoid rain during the night. The other is that the humble style of the back of the hall compared to the front. It shows that the residents tried hard to rebuild the hall within their financial constraints.
In the concert on the 23rd November 2006 held during the event “Nakasendo Walk”, Mr. Bincho Tanaka, a teacher of Gagaku both in Japan and all over the world played a whistle. In the concert which took place at Gankoji, some attendees would have felt eternal history as in the air the Emperor Ichijyo was known as an expert of whistle.
- source : -

. Dengyo Daishi Saicho 伝教大師最澄 .
(766 - 822)


- Homepage of the temple
- source :


- Yearly Festivals -

CLICK for more photos !

The origin of the Gankoji Festival 蟹薬師祭礼
The Gankoji Festival is originated in 999 (the 5th year of Chotoku Era), when the Shichido-Garan style temple was completed. Since then, ceremonies such as Daiji-Hyoshi, Shishi-mai and Hae-oi have been held part of the festival. Among them, Hae-oi was an important ceremony to drive off something unclean, given that could an epidemic, which was a matter of life and death at that time.
It is believed that the mask used in the Hae-oi ceremony was created by Gyouchi. There were two types of heads of Shishi (an item used in Shishi-mai lion-head ceremony), one was male and the other was female. When the male one was used, clothes and a mask for a male were used in the Hae-oi ceremony and vice versa.

願興寺月例祭事 - every month
8日 薬師縁日  (焚き上げ・法話)
18日 観音縁日  (説法)
24日 地蔵縁日  (水子供養)
28日 不動明王縁日(安全祈願)

4月第1日  蟹薬師祭礼 The main Festival in April
8月第1土曜 竹筒の燈明
大晦日    竹筒の燈明


- quote
Daianji, Nara City, Japan

This statue was dedicated to the temple by a medical doctor to pray for confining cancer. Both words of KANI in Japanese and cancer in astronomy in English share a common meaning, that is, crab. In view of such a relationship, the doctor wanted to have this statue created for dedication.
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- Further Information -

One of the three great Yakushi temples of Japan 日本三薬師:

. Hooraiji 鳳来寺 Horai-Ji Yakushi, Mikawa, Aichi .

. Kani Yakushi 蟹薬師 "Crab Yakushi" at 願興寺 Ganko-Ji . - Gifu

. Yamanaka Yakushi 山中薬師 - 瑠璃山医王寺 Rurisan Io-Ji . - Gifu


Join the friends on facebook !

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ] - - - #kaniyakushi #crabyakushi #canceryakushi - - -


Yakushi Kokeshi

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

kokeshi and Yakushi こけしと薬師如来

. Kokeshi こけし / 小芥子 / 子消し wooden dolls .
- Introduction -


Yakushi Kokeshi Doo 薬師こけし堂 Yakushi Kokeshi-Do
Tsuchiyu onsen hot spring in Fukushima

Yakushi as the Buddha of Medicine has a long relationship with hot springs.
In Tohoku he is 薬師瑠璃子如来 Yakushi Ruriko Nyorai and also related to the making of kokeshi wooden dolls.

The beginning dates back to the son of Emperor Montoku (827 - 858),
called 惟喬親王 Koretaka Shinno (844 - 897), the founder of woodcraft.

The first Yakushi Hall had been built in 湯元下ノ町, but was swept away in 1913 during a flooding. The statue of Yakushi Nyorai had survived at the temple 興徳寺 Kotoku-Ji.
Later in 1974 the Yakushi Kokeshi Do hall was constructed.

Every year on the 8th day of April
there is the main festival of this Kokeshi Hall, where water from the Hot Spring is offered.
Every year on the third Sunday in April
there is a special memorial service for kokeshi dolls こけし供養祭 (kokeshi kuyo) and also for used writing brushes 筆供養.

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kokeshi kuyoo こけし供養 memorial service for used kokeshi
Tsuchiyu Kokeshi Matsuri 土湯こけし祭り

This is a service for old dolls, including kokeshi, to say "Thank you for your long service!"

First the Kokeshi are consecrated in front of the temple hall.
They are burned in a huge fire while the priest chants sutras.

- source : and more photos 福島県福島市 土湯温泉

. . . CLICK here for Photos for Kokeshi Kuyo !


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Bustle of Tsuchiyu-Onsen Hot Spring
Kokeshi-Do Shrine
Kokeshi-Do Shrine is further up the stone steps from Taishi-Do Shrine. Tsuchiyu is one of three major production sites of Kokeshi-Dolls in Japan. This shrine is dedicated to Koretaka Shinno who is said to be the father of woodcraft, Yakushi Nyorai, a Buddhist deity who is able to cure all illnesses, and Tsuchiyu Kokeshi Dolls.

Taishi-Do Shrine
Taishi-Do Shrine, which is dedicated to Prince Shotoku, stands on a hill looking down the tourist section of Tsuchiyu-Onsen. Follow the gentle sloping stone steps and feel your spirit soothed in a unique Japanese environment with venerable buildings, moss-covered stone pavements, and stone lanterns surrounded by trees.

Eight Views of Tsuchiyu-Onsen Hot Spring
In the age of Bunka-Bunsei in Edo era, Tsuchiyu was known as a place for Haikai (amusing and playful Japanese poems) and produced many haiku poets. The group of haiku poets was called "Tsuchiyu-ren" and they composed many poems.
"Eight Views of Hot Spring" is a collection of poems composed by "Hatomaro", a member of the "Tsuchiyu-ren" group. Visit and enjoy the unchanged beauty of Tsuchiyu-Onsen that has appeared in the "Eight Views of Tsuchiyu-Onsen Hot Spring" poems.
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こけし神社 Kokeshi Shrine
小野宮惟喬親王神社 Onomiya Koretaka Shinno Shrine

in Fukuoka Yatumiya, Shiroishi-shi - Miyagi

New Year's First Making of Yajiro Kokeshi Wooden Dolls
January 2
This New Year's event has a strong association with traditional Kokeshi-doll craftsmen of the Yajiro style. With a prayer, kokeshi dolls fashioned by a selected craftsman are offered to the shrine.

- source :

Photos from the shrine and kokeshi
- source : kawasakiya-jirokichi


Join the friends on facebook !

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai Legends 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Pilgrims INFO - INTRODUCTION .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- #yakushinyoraikokeshido #yakushikokeshi #kokeshiyakushi -


Kannon ABC List


. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 - Introduction .

Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara - ABC List

Introducing over 100 forms of Kannon in Japan.
- source - Mark Schumacher -

This list will be updated regularly.

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 伝説 legends about Kannon .
- a growing list

Ayumi Kannon あゆみ観音 "Kannon for going step by step”
for the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake, 2011.

Bando 坂東三十三観音 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples in Kanto .

Batoo Kannon, Horseheaded Kannon 馬頭観音

Byakue Kannon 白衣観音 with White Robes

Daruma Kannon ... だるま観音

dorei 観音像土鈴 clay bell with Kannon Bosatsu

Edo - 江戸三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples

Enkiri Kannon 縁切り観音 to cut a bond

Fukutoku Kannon 福徳観音 - 福泉寺 Fukusen-Ji, Tono, Iwate
The biggest wooden Kannon statue in Japan !

Funanori Kannon 救世舟乗観音 Kannon riding a boat

Gankake Kannon Bosatsu 願掛け観音 to make a wish

Empress Gensho Tenno 元正天皇 and Kannon Statues in her memory

Guze Kannon 救世観音 / 求世観音 Temple Horyu-Ji 法隆寺, Yumedono 夢殿, Nara

Gyoran Kannon 魚籃観世音菩薩 with a fish basket .
and Iruka kuyo Kanzeon 海豚供養救世観音 Kannon holding a dolphin

Hakodate 33 Kannon Pilgrimage 西国移土三十三観音, 函館市湯川寺

Hatakiri Kannon はたきり観音さん Shikoku Henro 10

Hitokoto Kannon 一言観音 One-Prayer Kannon

Hokuriku 33 Kannon Pilgrimage 北陸三十三ヵ所観音霊場巡り .

Hyaku Kannon Meijidera 百観音明治寺 . - Tokyo

Ichigan Kannon 一願観音 ... One Wish Kannon

. Ise Saigoku 33 Kannon 伊勢西国三十三所観音巡礼 Pilgrimage .

Irezumi 刺青 tatoo with Kannon and Dragon King

Iwa Kannon 岩観音 Rock Kannon / 栃木県那須町芦野
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Iwakura Kannon Holy Water 岩倉大雲寺 観音水 Temple Daiun-Ji

Joogyoo Bosatsu, Jōgyō 浄行菩薩 Jogyo Bosatsu of Purity

Jundei Kannon, Juntei Kannon 准胝 観音 Mother of all Buddhas, 准胝仏母

. Juuichimen 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon with 11 faces .

. Juuichimen 十一面大士 Juichimen Daiji / Daishi Kannon Bosatsu .

Kamakura - Kannon Pilgrimage

. Kannonji 観音寺 Kannon-Ji temples in Japan .

. Kanto 33 Kannon Pilgrimage 関東三十三観音霊場 .

Kitamuki Kannon 北向き観音 / 北向観音 Kannon facing North

. kookaishin 航海神 Kokaishin Deities of Fishermen .
Horyoshin 豊漁神 Deities for a good catch, including 十一面観音像 Kannon Bosatsu with 11 faces

Kosodate Kannon 子育観音 to protect children

. 巨勢金岡 Kose no Kanaoka - painter . - first Kannon Painting

. Koyasu Kannon 子安観音 Protector or Children.

Kudara Kannon 百済観音 Temple Horyu-Ji Nara 法隆寺

. kujira Kannon 鯨観音 Kannon on a whale - Ise 正福寺 Shofuku-Ji .

. Mama Kannon 間々観音 龍音寺 Ryuon-Ji, Aichi .
お乳のお寺 O-Chichi no O-Tera // おっぱい寺 Oppai Tera, Oppai-dera
- Breast-feeding Kannon

Matsukura Kannon 松倉観音 Hida, Takayama, Gifu

. Medama-no-Kannon 目玉の観音 Eyeball Kannon .

Me no Hotoke, Kannon for your Eyes Nara, Tsubosakadera 壷阪寺(南法華寺)

. menoo Kannon めのう観音 / 瑪瑙観音 Meno Kannon made of Agate stone .

Michibiki Kannon 導き観音 "Guiding Kannon" at temple Taimadera 当麻寺 / 當麻寺, Nara

. Mikata 大悲山三方石観音 Saihizan Mikata Ishi Kannon - Stone Kannon .

Mushifuuji Kanzeon 虫封観世音 Mushifuji "Kannon to ward off "insects"

Nago Kannon 那古観音 temple Nagodera 那古寺, Tateyama, Chiba

. Nedoshi 33 Kannon Pilgrimage 小机領三十三所子歳観音霊場 Kozukue .

. nishimuki Kannon. Nishi-Muki 西向聖観世音菩薩 Kannon facing West .

Nyoirin Kannon, Wishfulfilling Kannon- 如意輪観音
..... Seiryuu Gongen, Dragon Deity Zennyo 清瀧権現

Ofusa Kannon おふさ観音 - Ofsacho town, Kashihara, Nara
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Ogawadera 小川寺 Kannon Legend - Toyama .

O-Shichi Kannon お七観音 at temple Tanjo-Ji in Okayama 誕生時

Owari shi Kannon 尾張四観音
The Four Kannon Temples of Owari Nagoya

Owari Thirty-three Kannon Pilgrimage
(尾張三十三観音 Owari Sanjuusan Kannon)

- - - - - Pilgrimages - to 100 Kannon Temples
33 Kannon Temples of Saigoku (Kansai area) 西国三十三観音霊場 or Saigoku Junrei 西国巡礼.
33 Kannon Temples of Bandō (Kanto area) 坂東三十三観音霊場
34 Kannon Temples of Chichibu (Valley in Saitama) 秩父三十四観音霊場
- Mark Schumacher -

. Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage 西国三十三観音霊場 (Saikoku) .

. Hyakkannon Joju-In 百観音成就院 100 Kannon statues at Temple Joju-In .
Kanto. Named after the three pilgrimages to Saigoku, Bando and Chichibu.

- PINTEREST - Kannon images -

pokkuri Kannon ぽっくり観音 / ポックリ観音 - or
pokkuri, korori Kannon ころり観音 / コロリ観音 Kannon Bosatsu granting a sudden death

roku Kannon 六観音 six Kannon .
1.聖観音・餓鬼道 - Sho Kannon - Gakido
2.千手観音・地獄道 - Thousand-Armed Kannon - Jigokudo
3.馬頭観音・畜生道 - Horse-Headed Kannon - Chikushodo
4.十一面観音・修羅道 - Eleven-Headed Kannon - Shurado
5.不空羂索観音・人間道 - Fuku-Kenjaku Kannon - Ningendo
6.如意輪観音・天界道 - Nyoirin Kannon - Tenkaido, Tendo

rokumen Kannon 六面観音 Kannon with six faces .
carved by Enku 円空

Ryuu-oo Kanzeon Bosatsu 竜王観世音菩薩 Ryu-O
with the Dragon King

ryuutoo Kannon 龍灯観音 with a "Dragon Light" . - Miyagi, Ishinomaki

Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage

Sake 酒, Kannon and Yokai monster legends .

Sasano Kannon 笹野観音 Yonezawa, Yamagata

Sendai 仙台三十三観音 - Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples
- reference source : -
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Senju Kannon, with 1000 Arms and Juuichimen Kannon with 11 heads
千手観音, 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon

Shichimen Kannon 七面観音 Nichiren and Mount Minobu

Shiohi Kannon 潮干観音 "Kannon of the Ebb Tide"  -海繁寺 Kaihan-Ji Tokyo

Shoo Kannon, Shō Kannon 聖観音 / 正観音 Sho Kannon

Shoonai 33 Kannon Reijo 庄内三十三観音霊場 Pilgirmage in Shonai, Yamagata

. Suigetsu Kannon 水月観音 "Water Moon Kannon" .

. Taihei Kannon for Peace 泰平 正観世音菩薩 .

. Tokyo Kannon Reijo 東京三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage .

Tono Shichi Kannon 遠野 七観音 Seven Kannon of Tono - pilgrimage .

Usuzumi Kannon, Light Charcoal Cherry Tree Kannon 薄墨観音

. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and Kannon 長野 .

Yookihi Kannon 楊貴妃観音 Yokihi Kannon
Sennyuuji 泉涌寺 Sennyu-Ji, Kyoto. like the Chinese Princes Yang Gui Fei



- - - - - waitinglist - - - - -

dorei どれい 土鈴観音 clay bells with Kannon
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

hariko Kannon 張子観音 papermachee dolls of Kannon
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

manga mukashibanashi マンガ昔話データベース Legends about Kannon
-reference 観音菩薩 伝説 -

Pilgrimage to Kannon Temples
From Hokkaido to Okinawa
- source : -


. Join the Kannon Bosatsu Gallery on facebook .


. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- - - - - - #kannonabclist #abckannon ##kannon -


Kappa temples


. kappa 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ Kappa, the water goblin - - Introduction .

. - - - Join the Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .

. Kappa Jinja 河童神社 Kappa Shinto Shrines .


Kappadera かっぱ寺 / 河童寺 Kappa temples
Kappa Daimyoojin 河童大明神 Kappa Daimyojin - Great Deity Kappa

- - - - - Introduced below - - - - -
大観音寺 Dai Kannon-Ji - Mie
曹源寺 Sogen-Ji - Edo / Tokyo
聖徳寺 Shotoku-Ji - Kumamoto
善行寺 Zengyo-Ji - Ishikawa
瑞龍寺 Zuiryu-Ji - Osaka


Daikannonji 大観音寺 Dai Kannon-Ji
三重県津市白山町 Mie, Tsu town

Kappa Daimyojin 河童大明神 Great Deity Kappa


Soogenji 曹源寺 Sogen-Ji
3 Chome-7-2 Matsugaya, Taito / 台東区松ヶ谷一丁目 Tokyo

naminori kappa 波乗り河童 Kappa riding the waves
Kappa Daimyojin 河童大明神 Great Deity Kappa

The Folklore of Kappa-dera Temple
According to a legend,
at the beginning of the 19th century there lived in the vicinity a raincoat maker named Kappa Kawataro 合羽川太郎(合羽屋喜八 Kappaya Kihachi). In Japanese the word for"raincoat"is also "kappa". This region was once a basin with poor drainage, therefore rain would often bring floods causing undue trouble for the residents. Because of this, Kawataro began the construction of a series of drainage ditches with his own finances.The project was said to have been completed only with the assistance of the kappa living in the Sumida River whom had been helped by Kawataro in the past.
It is said that those who actually witnessed the river kappa thrived in business.

This legend is the origin of the name "Kappa-dera".
Furthermore,the name of "Kappabashi" (a bridge that once stood at the Kappabashi intersection) is also said to come from this legend.

At the temple they celebrate the Kappa Daimyojin 河童大明神 and there is a stone monument that is said to be Kappa Kawataro's grave.

source :

The Kappa riding the waves is now an amulet for good business.

- Homepage of the temple
- source :

source :
Matsubacho 松葉町 Edo / Tokoy

. Asakusa KAPPABASHI 東京都 かっぱ河 / 合羽橋 .

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 

. - - - Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! .


. 聖徳寺 Shotoku-Ji, Kumamoto 熊本市 .
kappa yoke, kappayoke 河童除け to ward off the evil influence of a kappa, especially water accidents.
mizuyoke 水難除け amulets to ward off water accidents


. Kappa - Haiku and Senryu 河童 俳句 川柳 .

tanekabocha arechi ni marobu Kappadera

seed pumpkins
scattered in the wasteland -
Kappa Temple

御子柴光子 Mikoshiba Mitsuko

Kappa tairu 河童のタイル Kappa tile
in the shopping street near Kappa Temple
- reference : -



田淵定人 Tabuchi Teijin


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- #kappadera #kappatemple #templekappa -


Kappa Fudo


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .

. kappa 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ Kappa, the water goblin - - Introduction .


カッパとお不動さん Kappa and Fudo Myo-O

. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - .


source :

Fudo Myo-O as a Kappa transformation
四万十川カッパ造形大賞2009 - 今井勝 - - from Shimantogawa, Shikoku


カッパとお不動さん Kappa and Fudo Myo-O
Kappa legend from Amagasaki, Hyogo 尼崎 民話

Once upon a time,
there lived many Kappa in this pond. But nodody knew about it.
One hot day in summer, a littel boy passed the pond, took off all his cloths and jumped in.
Waves begun to spread and one Kappa woke up from his nap.
The Kappa observed the boy swimming happily in the pond and suddenly thought, he could enjoy swimming together with the boy. So he came closer.

When the boy realized who was close to him, he suddenly burst into tears.
When the Kappa saw the boy all in tears, he called his friends : pipoo, pipoo ピポー、ピポー.

When all these Kappa begun to come together and get close to him, the poor boy begun even more to cry in a loud voice.
The Kappa talked among themselves about how to help the boy and thought they should bring some human friends of the boy to the pond.

On the next day the Kappa came down to the village of the humans, captured one boy after the other and brought them to the pond.
When the fourth boy came to the pond, the first boy finally stopped crying. And then they all swam around happily with the Kappa.

But in the village was quite an uproar. Five boys were missing !!
The villagers went to their temple and prayed to Fudo Myo-O, who was their protector in times of distress.
"Dear Fudo Sama, please let the boys come back safely!" they prayed with all their might.

On this night, Fudo with his sword and rope and flaming halo came down to the pond and called on the Kappa :
"Hey you Kappa goblins, listen to me! Tomorrow morning by sunrise you have to bring the captured boys back to the village, understand !"

The Kappa begun to tremble when they heard this mighty voice.
And as you guess, the next morning the boys were back in the village and rejoiced to be re-united with their parents.

The little shrine for Fudo Myo-O is still near the Bamboo Valley of the Old Road, near the Sanwa Shotengai shopping street 三和商店街, but all looks quite different than in the olden times. But the statue of Fudo Myo-O is still revered by the people.
source :


. 川端龍子 Kawabata Ryushi .


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .




Kyoun-Ji Tsugaru Daishi 08

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Kyoounji 橋雲寺 Kyoun-Ji

Nr. 08 愛宕山 Atagosan - 橋雲寺 Kyoun-Ji

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .


弘前市愛宕字山下63 / Yamashita-63 Atago, Hirosaki-shi

Regional people use to call this temple ”あだごさま”Atago Sama.
The access is via a torii of Atago Shrine, then up up up many stone steps.
There is also a huge pine tree of more than 1 meter in diameter.
It is one of the 10 special vistas in Tsugaru 津軽十景.

This is one of the five great Shingon Temples in Tsugaru.
It had an income of 百石 100 koku during the Edo period. The great summer festival was most important.
After the festival, folks would rest at the Atago shrine 愛宕神社(駒越)and worship Mount Iwaki from afar.

There are various buildings in the compound dedicated to different deities
奥之院 Oku no In
延命地蔵尊堂 Enmei Jizo Do
三十三観世音堂 Sanjusan Kannon Do
稲荷祠堂 Inari Do
天満宮 Tenmangu

source :

The Goma Do 護摩堂 Hall for the fire ritual had been built in 1881
for a visit by the Meiji Tenno 明治天皇.

source :
There is a statue of Shogun Jizo 勝軍地蔵 in this Temple Hall.

- Chant of the temple
散る世なき 法の花咲く 橋雲寺 愛宕の山に 紫雲たなびく
名刹の 津軽五山の 橋雲寺 杖をとどめて しばし休まん

Mount Atago Yama 愛宕山 / 阿多古
is a mountain of about 920 meters in the North-West of Kyoto and
main shrine of the Atago worship.
. Atago Shrines in Japan .

The main deity of worship at the Atago shrines is Shōgun Jizō.
Atago Gongen 愛宕権現, a Kami considered to be a temporary incarnation of Jizō.
’Great Manifestation of Atago’ (Atago Daigongen 愛宕大権現)
- source : Mark Schumacher

From the gate of the temple there is a splendid view to the 4 sacred mountains of Tsugaru - 津軽の四つの霊山 :
東に八甲田山  Hakodasan in the East
北に梵珠山  Bonjusan in the North
南に阿闍羅山  Ajarayama in the South
西の岩木山  Iwakisan in the West


statue of Kobo Daishi in the park

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :

- Member of other pilgrimages in the region

津軽一代様 辰巳年生まれ Tsugaru Ichidai Mamori Honzon
Protector Deity for people born in the year of tatsumi 辰巳 Dragon and Snake

. Ichidai Mamori Honzon 一代守り本尊 Personal Protector Deities .


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

旧暦6月24日 夏季例大祭 Great Summer Festival
9月24日 秋季大般若会 、火渡法要厳修 Walking Trough Fire Ritual


- - - reference - - -

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . (774 - 835) .

. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. Fudo Myo-O at Mount Koyasan 高野山の明王像 .

. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .


. 東北三十六不動尊霊場 - 36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .  

. Pilgrimage to 18 Shingon Temples .
The 18 Head Temples of Shingon School have a very long history.


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


Tsugaru Juukei 津軽十景 10 special vistas of Tsugaru

(1)瑪耶渓(めやけい)(西目屋村)- Meyakei gorge

(2)座頭石(ざとういし)(弘前市) - Zatoishi stone

(3)法峠(ほっとうげ)(黒石市と旧浪岡町の境) - Hottoge pass

(4)弘前公園 - Hirosaki Park

(5)乳井(にゅうい)神社(弘前市) - Nyui Jinja Shrine

(6)岩木山 - Mount Iwakisan

(7)芦野(あしの)公園(旧金木町) - Ashino Park

(8)愛宕(あたご)山(旧岩木町) - Mount Atagosan

(9)御幸(みゆき)公園(黒石市) - Miyuki Park, Kuroishi

(10)久渡寺(くどじ)(弘前市) - Kudo-Ji


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Kakuo-In Tsugaru Daishi 07

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Kakuooin 覚應院 / 覚応院 Kakuo-In

Nr. 07 行峯山 Gyohozan - 覚應院 Kakuo-In - 浪切不動尊 Namikiri Fudo

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .


弘前市湯口字一の安田95-1 / Ichinoyasuta-95-1 Yuguchi, Hirosaki-shi, Aomori

This temple had been founded during the time of the 5th daimyo, 津軽信寿 Tsugaru Nobuhisa (1669 - 1746) on behalf of the his senior retainer 喜多村 Kitamura. He had taken over the statue of Fudo Myo-O from the Chausudate Castle  茶臼館.
The daimyo of Tsugaru granted an income of 二十俵 20 bales of rice to the temple.

Nyui Chausudate 乳井茶臼館 Nyu-I Chausudate was a mountain castle built around 1580 on Mount Chausuyama. 溝口左膳亮 Mizoguchi used it to defend the Northern Territories and as a place for the Yamabushi monks. The name was later changed to Mizoe 溝江

The seventh head priest of the temple was 覚有和上 Saint Kaku-U.

- Chant of the temple
とこしへに 変わらぬ誓い たてし丘 のぼる茶臼の 坂の下草
みどり濃き 茶臼の館に 立つ御堂 峰行き山に 行きて拝まん


. Namikiri Fudo 波切不動尊 wave-cutting Fudo .


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :

- Member of other pilgrimages in the region

source :

. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck - 寿老人 Jurojin .


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

1月30日 初不動(星祭)
3月彼岸の入り 春彼岸
旧暦6月27日 浪切不動明王夏季例大祭前夜祭
旧暦6月28日 浪切不動明王夏季例大祭 Namikiri Fudo Great Summer Festival
8月7日 盆会施餓鬼供養


further news


- - - reference - - -

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . (774 - 835) .

. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. Fudo Myo-O at Mount Koyasan 高野山の明王像 .

. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .


. 東北三十六不動尊霊場 - 36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .  

. Pilgrimage to 18 Shingon Temples .
The 18 Head Temples of Shingon School have a very long history.


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Kudo-Ji Tsugaru Daishi 06

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Kudoji 久渡寺 Kudo-Ji

Nr. 06 護國山 Gokokusan - 観音院 Kannon-In - 久渡寺 Kudo-Ji

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .


弘前市坂元山元1 / Yamamoto-1 Sakamoto, Hirosaki-shi, Aomori

This temple is located at the food of Mount Kudojisan 久渡寺山 (663 meters) in the South of Hirosaki town and you can see the town from there.
It used to be a sub-temple of 01 - 最勝院 Saisho-In, Hirosaki.
The founder of this temple is not clear.
Legend dates it back to Saint Enchi Shonin 円智上人 / 圓智上人 Saint Enchi in 1191, who is supposed to have founded 小沢山救度寺 (Kyudoji . Kudoji) - "Temple to Help the People".

Around 1595, Saint Kankai 小野澤 寛海和尚 revived the temple and re-named it 護国山観音院 Gokokusan Kannon-In. The second daimyo of Tsugaru, 津軽信牧, Tsugaru Nobuhira (1586 - 1631) changed the name to its present term, 久渡寺.

It is one of the Five Great Shingon Temples of Tsugaru 真言宗津軽五山.

The main statue is a Kannon Bosatsu, carved by Saint Ennin 円仁(慈覚大師).
Another important statue is
O-Shirasama 王志羅(おしら)さま. A fire ritual in his honor is held in May.

statue of a Shirasama horse in the garden.

- Chant of the temple
遍照尊 唱うる声に 光りさす 久渡のみ寺の 木の間がくれに
浸みとおる 深山の雨に 護国山 塵を洗うて 萌ゆる緑葉

. O-Shirasama, oshirasama おしらさま "White Buddha" .
Memyo Bosatsu 馬鳴菩薩


statue of Fudo Myo-O in the garden

Look at more winter photos in this source:
- source : K・Hanadaのブログ


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :

- Member of other pilgrimages in the region

津軽三十三カ所観音霊場 - Nr. 01 of 33 Kannon Temples


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

旧暦1月18日 豊作祈願祭
5月16日 大志羅講大祭 - O-shira Sama fire ritual
8月21日 供養会
12月18日 納の観音祭


source :

ashi no nai yuurei 「足のない幽霊 ghost without legs

The temple is also famous for this painting 幽霊画 by
. 円山応挙 Maruyama Okyo .

Legend knows that it will definitely rain when this painting is shown to the public, so it was only shown in dire need during a draught.


- - - reference - - -

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . (774 - 835) .

. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. Fudo Myo-O at Mount Koyasan 高野山の明王像 .

. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .


. Chisha Daishi 智者大師 Chisha Shonin (538 - 597) .
and his disciple Saint Enchi 円智上人 / 圓智上人 Saint Enchi

. Ennin 円仁 - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 . (794 – 864)

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場 - 36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .  

. Pilgrimage to 18 Shingon Temples .
The 18 Head Temples of Shingon School have a very long history.


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46
